Imagine. After days and days of (pe alocuri) intensive learning that ended inevitably in memory blackouts, the (penultima) session of learning ended. I was going to take a break and go once more, with feeling this time. A last (sforţare) before the night hits me, hopefully all the way into bed. But there was no break, my friends.
All there was was a very intense discussion with a friend, with which i have come to discuss lots more burning issues than before (who cares i didn't (acordat) right?). But that was nothing compared to the many, many information and processing requests that i was (supus) to.
Cu alte cuvinte, am facut cautari de medicina, cautari de medicina pe DC, am facut o problema de clasa a treia, am dezbatut subiectele de TS, am potolit fete speriate, am lamurit fete nelamurite, am fost lamurit de baieti (sâc), am vorbit la telefon si am tastat in acelasi timp, astea intr-un interval scurt de timp si multe suprapuse; am avut un blackout de respiro (adica nu mai puteam respira). La toate astea mintea mea a supravietuit. Adica inca mai pot invata, ceea ce se va intampla incepand de cu peste 15 minute.