Domle, si-o trage lumea in draci. Ca's numai draci peste tot, nu-mi vine sa cred. Nici macar nu's asa misto mamele, ceea ce ma face sa cred ca ori alea misto se lasa mai greu, ori alea misto is mai destepte si folosesc protectie.
Am un tricou cu guler, pe care nu-l inchid sus, pentru ca mi-ar fi prea cald. In consecinta, lumea se holbeaza la parul de pe piept, care, na, ce sa faca si el daca-i exhibitionist. Da' io nu inteleg ce-i asa rau... sau poate erau priviri pline de dorinta animalica?!
O tipa catre alta care statea si astepta: Vedeti ca se inchide casa. Primata de langa ea (probabil sotul) ragaie urmatoarele cuvinte: Ce i-ai spus ma, trebuia sa o lasi sa afle singura. Idiot!
Tigara e cel mai bun pretext de socializare si, implicit, de agatat. Pe locul doi e replica trimisa de Andressa pe overheardinbucharest... nu stiu de ce am impresia ca ea a fost cea claxonata!
Most women are not perfect, some not by far. But each and every one has that great quality, may it be phisical or not. Some have beautiful eyes that stun a man in his place. Others have soothing voices, calming and balanced, superbe. Some women have great breasts that turn heads in the morning at the subway. Some just have a great sense of fashion and they're impressively dressed. Rarely (maybe not so rarely in Romania) she has the perfect face, just an angel, and you can't find your words in front of this miracle... you keep asking yourself just like in that stupid joke ("Did it hurt? ..? When u fell from heaven!"). Killer legs, perfectly shaped ass, tempting mouth, this could be other qualities that women know, from time to time, they posess (you know, in that short time when they're free of insecurities). Still, carying a great pair of breasts, or being fashionable, having long legs hasn't exactly helped your love life (and i'm not talking about sex). Too bad. But your luck's about to change, because, even if for a short time, there are lots of guys who can give you comfort by taking comfort in your qualities (did I say that right?). And if you just don't have what it takes to be rescued by prince charming, you might as well have fun for the rest of your life with these guys (more than one!).
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Mi s-a facut o pofta nebuna de masaj. Cand eram mai mic, ma multumeam cu ce primeam de acasa, mama, tata, cine se nimerea dimineata, furam 5 minute de masaj. Dar filmuletul asta m-a lasat salivand, si neaparat am sa imi consum parte din banii ce vor veni pe un masaj profesionist in timpul caruia sa adorm si sa nu trebuiasca sa fiu trezit...
Si daca nu, ma multumesc si sa fiu eu maseurul!