Kill it!
What's the deal with this stuff? Cristina tried to explain it to me one day but since then other questions rose to power. How long does this thing exactly last?
Let's summarize: pre-menstrual period and the menstruation which is the actual bleeding. After that, i'm guessing everything's all right.
I don't get it. A simple math calculation would show that women are incapable of normal human behaviour about a third of the time. About 10 days a week. Am i missing something? Could this be the reason for all this so-called sexism all these centuries? Could it be that the rise of women to power was determined by technological breakthroughs in medicine which allowed the development of pills that supress menstrual cramps? (for which a man is responsible, i'm sure - the pills, not the cramps).
So why is the woman such an inspiration to all the romantic crap that's been written/played/said across the ages? Why do we have to "love the women, not understand them"? Did you not wish for equality? So why should you be treated any different? I absolutely h-a-t-e when she wants to talk, talk, talk and not stop, and when you bring reason and common sense into the discussion, suddenly the talk is over - women don't posess the logical component needed for a rational conversation.
There, i deviated! Are you happy, woman?!
8 Responses to Don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die
This is a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl
would too!
tsutsu mic si complexat,din randurile ouate de mintea ta in gandul ei eu pot sa zic ai o relatie foarte buna cu mama ta (un fel de complex eodipian), poate ca te-a dezamagit , nu te accepta asa cum esti etcetc.2.poate manifesti o rectie adversa fata de sexul UITA ca tu esti rodul unei sangerari din astea puturoase (as putea spune)...ASA ca MAI BINE FACEA MAICA-TA UN LIMBRIC LANGA GARD DECAT SA TE FACA PE TINE.THAT'S ALL nu uita eu "te citesc"...
am o relatie foarte buna cu mama mea, daca vrei iti dau numarul ei sa o suni.
nu manifest o reactie adversa fata de sexul opus, iti pot pasa o petitie semnata de cunostintele mele de sex feminin daca vrei.
multumesc. te mai astept. da si tu un sms sa stiu ca traiesti.
wow..u're making as much sense here as a woman during ramas fara cola?
ti-ai asigurat celibatul...
mersi mersi mersi. oricum nu ma intereseaza femei ca tine care gandesc asa
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