1. Sometimes music saves my life. I'm not suicidal, but maybe i would be if i didn't think you can get by just with music.
2. I always waste resources. I fill up my hard drive with shit, i spend all my money, i drink everything until i can't any more, etc.
3. I think I'm very lucky having the parents that i have, but i feel pretty ordinary most of the time because they're just ordinary people. They're splitting up in a year, two at max.
4. I'm kinda addicted to Facebook.
5. I don't exactly hate addictions, i just hate people who have them with no regard to the ones they love, such as gambling or smoking.
6. Ok, I'm cheating, this too is about addictions. I drink about 3L of Coca Cola per day. Or MD, very rarely Pepsi.
7. I piss like a drunken horse. Maybe because of point 6, who knows?
8.I'm much cleaner and more organized than pretty much all my room mates in the past 5 years, but i still feel like I'm lazy and filthy.
9. I used to have frequent panic attacks when it came to socializing. I'm in the process of becoming normal (what's normal?).
10. When i was in the hospital in the ninth grade, i had to listen to Bairam - Alladin for about a week over and over again. I got to like it: "eu sunt aladiiin aladiiin aladiiin, hai fetito freaca lampa mea putin"
11. I have never loved back and never have been loved back.
12. I fall for people really easy, even now when i should have more sense.
12. I'm crazy about meeting new people, mainly interesting ppl i read, but at the same time, those panic attacks..
13. I am two different people in the evening and in the morning. Sometimes I'm not alive at 7 am.
14. If i could, i wouldn't sleep for more than 4 hours a day. The problem is getting up, not staying up.
15. I'm afraid someone will notice i really haven't got many clues concerning my job, but i try to make up for it "on the down low".
16. I had a terrible crush in the 12th grade, i thought it will last forever. I got over it though.
17. But I'll never get over two (not one, but two) girls. Actually, I can only hope to be happy by being free from both of them.
18. I am an obsessive compulsive mail checker, i recently became a twitter addict as well as a general internet maniac.
19.I had a lot (A LOT) of feeds in my reader but i stopped in time and reformed, now keeping the bare necessities. 30 something.
20. I'm only completely serene when I'm alone. Other people's presence make me feel watched, judged, evaluated.
21. I have too many girl friends and i can't do anything about it.
22. I think I'm a pretty funny guy, you just have to catch me in a not-so-bad day and not have any preconception.
23. I think I'm more easily influenced than people think or even me, for that matter. I've taken up music tastes, film tastes, books, etc. But I've also filtered stuff i don't like, so I'm not sure yet.
24. I'm extremely philosophical sometimes and that can cause a lot of confusion. I (quietly) militate for the lack of prejudice, of course without realizing my own. But no one is pointing them out for me.
25. Too rarely have i had a best friend. The 2nd grade, the 12th grade, and maybe now. I'm not sure.
Este foarte trist să constat că lista asta e la fel de actuală ca acum doi ani, cu mici excepţii.
3 s-a adeverit, părinţii s-au despărţit la mai puţin de un an după.
6 nu mai e valabilă, deşi când vine câte un deadline revine şi nevoia.
20 s-a dus pe apa sâmbetei, nici măcar singur nu pot fi complet liniştit.
25 este o iluzie, nu am vreun cel mai bun prieten, deşi sunt 1-2 oameni care mă ajută (ne)condiţionat.
Este trist.
10 Responses to 29 Jan 2009
auzi dar momentele in care realizezi ca toate astea's prostii nu le notezi?
Nu inteleg intrebarea. Crezi ca am nascocit chestiile astea despre mine?
Sigur, fluctuez si eu ca Dunarea, dar cam asa e. Lista asta era pe Facebook acu 2 ani.
Nu inteleg de ce zici la final ca e trist.
Mi se pare.. obisnuit dpdv al lucrurilor cu care se confrunta oamenii, se putea mai rasu, mult mai rau,
mi se pare.. interesant, si pe 22 de ex pot sa-l confirm,
si mi se pare ca poti schimba multe :)
rgina grslilor eu snt :)
tu esti rgina!
ai dreptate ca nu e deloc rau, doar ca nu mi-a picat prea bine sa aflu ca sunt aici de aproape doi ani, avand impresia ca m-am schimbat din temelii, si sa descopar ca am spiralat inapoi in aceeasi situatie ca acu 2 ani.
dar cel mai trist era de fapt previziunea legata de parinti.
doamne fereste, nu ma refer la faptul ca ai inventa ceva de genul. Ziceam ca avem momente in viata cand ne dam seama ca ne agitam/consumam pentru ceva ce uneori nici nu ar trebui luat in seama. Momente in care dramatizam si momente in care putem sa realizam ca viata nu e chiar asa de cruda (mai rare).
Ex: Si ce daca iti verifici/verificai mailul atat de des? Si ce daca dezvoltam obsesii...timpul trebuie si el ocupat cu ceva nu?
eu de felul meu as fi vrut sa progresez, cel putin pe partea cu sociabilitatea, plus ca nu mi s-a intamplat nimic notabil in plan emotional.
dar hey, in rest, viata e destul de frumoasa!
yep, subscriu ! story of my life.. in afara de 2, 3 si 4 . (Ps, in paragina NICE !!, cred ca e noul meu moto :))
vai ce coincidenta, ai ascultat si tu Bairam timp de doua saptamani in spital? cool :D
Something to say?